Great Vintage Greeting Card Images
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 Welcome to PeggyLovesVintage

The place for all your Vintage Greeting Card Image needs!



About Me

I started collecting Vintage Greeting Card Images quite by accident. I was helping with an Aunt's estate sale and ran across her Vintage Greeting Card collection. The images on the Vintage Cards were so bright and cheerful that I just fell in love with them. I was completely hooked. 

I'm particularly fond of the old scrapbooks. Some of them contain some truly awe inspiring stories as well as the beautiful graphics. I love reading the old letters and the notes written on the backs of the cards.

As my collection grew and provided such joy and entertainment for me, I knew that others would get as much out of them as I did. So I decided I'd share my collection. Thus, the birth of PeggyLovesVintage and her collection of Vintage Greeting Card Images and sentiments on CDs or available for download.

So enjoy your visit to my site, stay as long as you like and be sure and let me know what you think.




Vintage Pink Girl Image 1

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